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National Night Out Tomorrow Oct 1st

Tuesday, October 1st is National Night Out and, given recent neighborhood events, now is the perfect time to get to know your neighbors!

Festivities begin with a social time from 6 - 6:30 p.m. at the cul-de-sac on Yaupon Court.  There will be a covered dish meal for all residents of Bluff Haven and/or Frisch Auf subdivisions.  Dinner will begin around 6:30 p.m.

All EVEN house numbers - please bring a vegetable or dessert

All ODD house numbers - please bring a meat dish or salad

Tea, plates and utensils will be provided.  Feel free to bring your own drinks if you prefer something elese.  Don't forget to bring your lawn chairs.  Please bring one (or more) canned food item or a cash donation for the AMEN food pantry.

If the event is cancelled due to inclement weather, it will be rescheduled for Tuesday, October 8th at the same time and place.  Questions:  call 979-968-8871.

Click here for a copy of the flyer and directions to the event.